-------- Fewest or The most ----------


Basic structure

We can compare 2 nouns (people, things, countries, etc.) in a very similar way to adjetives.

The basic structure  is very simple:

Subject + main verb + more + noun +  than 
Ej: Xavi has scored more goals than Casillas 

Main verbMoreNounThan
Madridhasmorerestaurantsthan Murcia
Pau Gasolhas scoredmorebasketsthan Mark Gasol
Maryhad morepetsthan Anne
Studentswill havemoreinstrumentsthan this year

Of course, we can compare in the other way using fewer

Subject + main verb + fewer + noun +  than 
Ej: Casillas has scored fewer goals than Xavi 

Main verbFewerNounThan
Muerciahasfewerrestaurantsthan Madrid
mark Gasolhas scoredfewerbasketsthan Pau
Annehad fewerpetsthan Mary
This yearwill havefewerinstrumentsthan next year


If we have to compare 3 or more nouns (people, things, countries, etc.), we will use the superlatives.

The basic structure  is very simple:

Subject + main verb + the most + noun +  of
Ej: Cristiano has scored the most this year

Main verbmostNounof
Madridhasthe mostpopulationof Spain
Pau Gasolhas scoredthe mostbasketsof the Spanish players
Maryhad The most petsof all the girls
This classwill havethe mostinstrumentsof all the school

Of course, we can compare in the other way using the fewest

Subject + main verb + fewer + noun +  of 
Ej: Casillas has scored the fewest goals of the team

Main verbFewerNounof
Venushasthe fewestmoonsof the Solar System
Markhas scoredthe fewestbasketsof the team
Annehad the fewestpetsof the class
This yearwill havefewerinstrumentsthan next year

Ok, it´s true, Pau is my favourite player...

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

Soy David y he visto un error en el segundo cuadrado de ejemplos has puesto Muercia y creo que eso daba puntos.
sexto b